OK Solutions, your specialist not only for wrapping and inserting systems, but also your expert in BIO film.
OK Solutions is helping to work for a better environment. Recently we added to our scope of supply Biologic disposable wrapping film. The film meets the Europese standards for biologisch disposable products (EN 13432). Biowrap is a environmentally friendly plastic wrap and unlike recycled paper and plastic, biowrap is degradable plastic wrapping which makes biowrap great for the environment and our future generation. This film is not only putting less pressure on our environment, it also looks great and the wrapped products can be seen clearly after being wrapped in this film.
Most dimensions (width & thickness) can be supplied from stock. The production (extruding and producing) of our film is done in Italy, by optimising the production process, we grant best price performance ratio. Delivery throughout almost all countries in Europe are at our cost, in order to make it even more attractive for you to help our environment and take the next step using BIO film.
More information? Please contact us and we are happy to inform you further.